A Christchurch Electrician’s Top Tips for Saving Money on Power

It’s no secret that electric bills can be expensive, especially in our southern cities like Christchurch and Dunedin. But there are ways to lower your bill without skimping on your quality of life.

We asked a leading electrician in Christchurch for their best tips for saving money on power bills this winter. Many of these tips require little or no upfront investment, and can start saving you money right away.

Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Check your home’s insulation and seal any gaps to reduce drafts.
  2. Whenever possible, use task lighting instead of general lighting. This means turning on a lamp to read rather than turning on all the lights in the room.
  3. Choose an electricity plan that suits your needs and compare offers from different retailers.
  4. Educate yourself about energy efficiency. The more you know about how energy is used in your home, the easier it will be to make changes that save you money.
  5. Use appliances efficiently – for example, only use the dishwasher when it’s full.
  6. Use a clothesline or drying rack instead of the dryer where possible. Dry your clothes outside when you can.
  7. Get a smart power meter installed – this can help you see where you’re using the most energy and how to save.
  8. Get an energy audit to pinpoint areas where you can make changes to reduce your consumption.
  9. Whenever possible, open up blinds and curtains to let in natural light.
  10. When it’s time to replace an old appliance, consider energy-efficient options. These appliances may cost more upfront, but they will save you money in the long run.
  11. Use curtains or blinds to keep sun and heat out during summer, and heat in during winter.
  12. Only use your appliances when you need them. Standby mode can use a lot of energy, so be sure to turn off your appliances when you’re finished using them.
  13. Turn off all lights when you leave a room. This includes both overhead lights and lamps.
  14. Unplug electronics when you’re not using them. Even when electronics are turned off, they can still use energy if they’re plugged in.
  15. Using a power strip can help you save energy by allowing you to easily turn off multiple electronics at once.
  16. Educate your family and friends about energy efficiency. The more people who know about saving energy, the more we can all save.
  17. Use energy-saving settings on your washing machine, dryer, fridge, freezer and oven.
  18. Add insulation under floor an din your roof space to help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, both of which can lead to lower energy bills.
  19. Replace old, single-pane windows with newer, more efficient windows can help lower your energy bills.
  20. Install a programmable thermostat to control your home’s temperature, which can lead to lower energy bills.
  21. Use ceiling fans to circulate air in your home, which can make your home feel cooler without having to lower the temperature on your thermostat.
  22. Use energy-efficient light bulbs as they use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and can help lower your electric bills.
  23. Use your oven less.
  24. Investing in solar panels will save you money in the long run as you will generate your own energy.
  25. Take advantage of electric vehicle charging stations.