How Inadequate Heating Impacts Health In Canberra Homes


Inadequate heating in Canberra homes can significantly impact residents’ health. Studies have shown that cold homes are a risk factor for a range of health problems, including respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular disease, and mental health problems.

Inadequate heating is a problem in Canberra for several reasons. The city has a high proportion of older houses, which are often poorly insulated and difficult to heat. In addition, many residents are on low incomes and cannot afford to use a heat pump to warm their Canberra homes.

The link between poor heating and health

There is a clear link between poor heating and health. Cold homes are a major cause of illness and death, particularly among vulnerable groups such as the elderly and young children.

Poor heating can impact health in several ways. For example, Cold homes can cause respiratory problems and other serious health problems. Indoor temperatures below 16°C increase the risk of respiratory infections, and below 12°C stress the cardiovascular system. In addition, cold weather can make existing health conditions worse, such as arthritis and asthma.

Several steps can be taken to improve the heating in your home and reduce the risk of illness. For example, you can ensure that your Canberra home is well-insulated and has an efficient heating and hot water system. You can also reduce draughts and keep your home warm by closing doors and windows and using heavy curtains.

If you are worried about the heating in your home, you should speak to your GP or local authority for advice.

view of Canberra

The impact of inadequate heating on Canberra homes

Inadequate heating is one of the key issues affecting Canberra homes. It is estimated that around one in four homes in Canberra are not adequately heated. This can have a number of impacts on residents, including increased risk of illness, higher levels of stress, and reduced quality of life.

Inadequate heating is a problem in Canberra for several reasons. One is that many homes are old and poorly insulated, which means heat is lost more easily, making it harder to keep them warm. Another issue is that fuel costs have risen sharply in recent years, making it more difficult for people on low incomes to afford to heat their homes properly.

The impacts of inadequate heating can be significant. In the winter months, cold homes are a major cause of illness, particularly for young children, the elderly, and people with existing health problems. Inadequately heated homes are also associated with higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. This can lead to problems with sleep, concentration, and overall mental health.

There are several things that can be done to improve the situation. One is to improve the energy efficiency of homes through measures such as insulation and double-glazing as a lot of heat loss is through single glaze windows. Another is to provide targeted support to people on low incomes to help them meet the costs of heating their homes.

Inadequate heating is a serious problem that has a range of negative impacts on residents. It is important to take action to improve the energy efficiency of homes and to provide targeted support to those who are most vulnerable.


Inadequate heating and insulation in Canberra homes can have a significant impact on residents’ health. A lack of warmth can lead to respiratory problems, increased stress levels, and a weakened immune system. 

Additionally, people who are exposed to cold temperatures are more likely to experience anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Canberra homes must maintain an adequate level of heat in the cooler months to keep residents healthy.